NICE PHOTOGRAPHY - Tehnik Foto untuk Keluarga, Anak-anak, Remaja, landscape, pemotretan malam dan berbagai macam tehnik pose pemotreta
Tehnik Foto untuk Keluarga, Anak-anak, Remaja, landscape, pemotretan malam dan berbagai macam tehnik pose pemotretan
Banyak sekali yang demen dengan fotografi, apalagi di era sekarang ini rata-rata Handphone sudah memiliki kamera. Namun tehnik memotret dalam pencahayaan terbatas (minimalis lighting), memotret anak, memotret bayi, meotret orang hamil, memotret satu kelompok / keluarga, memotret dibawah air, memotret untuk olahraga membutuhkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan tertentu. Bukan asal jepret dan asal jadi. Pengaturan pencahayaan dan arah cahaya, jumlah lampu, pose yang tepat, angle pengambilan gambar yang pas harus dikuasi oleh pemilik studio photo atau photographer yang handal.
Ebook Photography :
500 Poses for Photographing Women
Aerial The Art of Photography from the Sky
cannon DSLR
Creative Black and White Photography
Digital Boudoir Photography - A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Fabulous Images of Any Woman
Digital Photography Best Practices and Workflow Handbook
Digital Portrait Photography of Teens and Seniors
Getting Started in DSLR Photography
Group Portrait Photography Handbook
Guide to Children's Portrait Photography
How to Start and Operate a Digital Portrait Photography Studio
Master Guide for Underwater Digital Photography
Mastering Exposure and the Zone System for Digital Photographers
Minimalist Lighting - Professional Techniques for Location Photography
Minimalist Lighting - Professional Techniques for Studio Photography
Monte Zucker's Portrait Photography Handbook
Mother and Child Portraits
Night Photography
Posing for Portrait Photography - A Head-to-Toe Guide
Professional Portrait Photography Techniques and Images from Master Photographers
Senior Portrait Photography Handbook
Sports Illustrated Knockouts - Five Decades of Swimsuit Photography
Studio Lighting Techniques for Photography
Studio Portrait Photography of Children and Babies
The Art of Bridal Portrait Photography - Techniques for Lighting and Posing
The Art of Digital Photography
The Best of Family Portrait Photography
The Best of Portrait Photography - Techniques and Images from the Pros
The Moment It Clicks - Photography Secrets From One of the World`s Top Shooters
The Best of Teen and Senior Portrait Photography - Techniques and Images from the Pros
The Visual Dictionary of Photography